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Monday, April 4, 2011

Color Me Mine

I'm starting a new tradition with this little family of mine.
I think that having family traditions, no matter how trivial or silly they may seem, makes holidays and life in general so much more fun! I want to have activities that my children (and I) look forward to every year.......picking out a Christmas tree, pumpkin carving, etc. Our newest tradition that we just started last week?

Painting ceramic Easter eggs!

We visited a little shop called Color Me Mine, where you can pick any piece of pottery and paint it. They fire it for you, and you pick it up a week later. How fun, right? So I rounded up my little family of three, and we made a day of it!

Color Me Mine is located in a fun little shopping center not too far from us. We ate breakfast at this adorably amazing doughnut shop called Frost, and then we headed over to get started on our masterpieces. (My plan was to also walk around the town center when we were finished because it's such a pretty place to just wander, but it was rainy, of course!)

Elliott wasn't too into the whole painting thing.....

She's so active that crafts just aren't her cup of tea at the moment. That's ok. The shop owner was awesome!! She was very helpful with ideas and paint colors, and she pretty much painted Ellie's egg for us! We picked out some finger-print art that we liked, and the owner helped Ellie with the finger-print part, and then she made it look all pretty for us! Elliott's egg definitely turned out cuter than mine!

Scott quietly and meticulously painted stripes on his egg.

He's so not into stuff like this, but I'm glad that he's willing to humor me and play along. I think he secretly enjoyed it, anyway :)

Here's the first of many, many colorful ceramic Easter eggs! I can't wait until I have a whole bowl full of these to display, each with their own story to go along with it.

I love my little family, and I look forward to any time we get to spend together.....traditions or not!



Ashley said...

What a great idea! I feel the same way about family traditions...We have a few...but could use some more.

The eggs turned out awesome!

Unknown said...

What a fun tradition to start. I love the idea of a bowl full of painted eggs!

melissa rohr said...

such a cute idea! you should have scott build a neat display case for them.

Amy Nielson said...

that is an awesome idea! i'm not sure i could get sam to go along with something like that... brownie points for your hubs for playing along! :)

JonasAxel said...

i am so stealing this idea! we use frost doughnuts as a bribe for doctor visits. jonas had 5 shots today so he got 5 maple bars :) not to eat all once- i'm not that bad of a mommy.

love the eggs. we should do that for a staff retreat!

Summer said...

Awesome idea! They look great.