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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

We Grocery Shopped......


If you know me, you know how much I love Target.
I mean, rarely does a week go by that I haven't spent a good deal of time, if not money, there.
I just love that place!

And now?!
I can also do my grocery shopping there :):):)

This may not be new to some of you, but the Target stores near me are just now getting with the times!!
A Target near us (although not the one closest to us) has just been remodeled and upgraded!
With this upgrade came more selection in all departments, new shopping carts, and GROCERIES!!

Now Target really is my one-stop shop!
Their selection is actually pretty decent, and their prices are awesome!

This particular Target is a little bit farther for me to drive, but not by much.
And if I can pick up baby wipes, a new sweater, and bananas all at the same place?! It's so worth the drive!!

Do you share my excitement over brand new fancy shopping carts and the endless possibilities of shopping at Target?! If I could, I think I'd make Target trips a daily agenda item :)

Yes, I realize that all of these pictures are essentially the same picture just taken in a different aisle. I was excited. So sue me.
And can you see how grumpy my daughter was?! I think we deserve a vote, don't you?
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Jennifer said...

woohoo, lake stevens steppin' it up!

Ashley said...

I LOVE target too!!! I was just there

Unknown said...

LOL! You know my feelings on Target :) I'm trying to limit myself to once a month! *GASP* Target is every woman's dream!

Christina said...

That's honestly the only place we grocery shop now! Really is one stop shopping!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh I ADORE target. Unfortunately right now the closest one to us is an our away. Boooo! I can't wait until Elliot is big enough to sit in the cart, I have the cutest cart cover, lol,