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Sunday, April 10, 2011

What I've Missed.....

I was away this weekend.
Away with my little family of three.
It was awesome.

For a short time, I felt totally disconnected.
There were moments where my internet connection on my phone died, or the moment where I realized that we don't have a data package for the iPad (meaning it's useless unless you find free wifi....), or there was even the time that my cell phone battery died! Agh!
I couldn't help but wonder what I was missing while I was disconnected.

But it only took me a short while to realize that my lack of "connection" to the internet and facebook world didn't make me disconnected at all.
In fact, this time away helped me become more connected.....wtih the ones that I love most!
You see, I was all worried that I didn't get to post my week in iPhone pics (I seriously look forward to it every week) or that I didn't pack any cute clothes to take a "Steppin' Out" photo.

I had to just let it go.

There are more important things in life.
Things like taking a last-minute trip to Portland with my little family. Just because.
Because we can (thank you Lord for providing for us so that we can enjoy some time away).
Because we needed it!

The last time Scott or I took a vacation was our honeymoon, which was two and a half years ago.
We look forward to the next time we'll be fortunate enough to take a "real" vacation.
But this year, we settled for an impromptu road trip to spend a weekend in a different city, doing all the same things we could have or would have done at home. It was enough to tide me over until we can someday take Elliott to Disneyland or take an adults-only trip to Vegas. For now, I'm happy with the memories we made this weekend, and I'm even more in love with my husband and daughter than I ever thought I could be!

I will definitely post pictures of our trip sometime this week.
Right now my mind is so scattered that I just couldn't do it tonight!

I've got a million different thoughts running through my head.....I have quite a few different projects that I'm working on, and I want to share them with you all! Crafts, DIY projects, and Elliott's nursery makeover are just a few of the things that I've been working on, and I can't wait to get some pictures up later this week.

Until then, head on over to What Mama Wants, where you'll find a post all about my cloth diapering addiction! I was featured in last week's Fluff Addict Friday, and I completely forgot about it....until now!! So, head on over there and check out my stash, and leave her some love, too!

Completely random picture (and a very random outfit on Elliott) from our random weekend get-away!

Oh, and can we get a vote, too?! Thanks!!
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Ashley said...

How nice to get away! Even if it isn't far, it still makes a WORLD of difference. We are going on our 1st family vacation in August, to a condo in Montana for a WHOLE week - I am already counting down the days! lol

I cant wait to see pics from your vacation!

Unknown said...

So fun!!!! Portland is a beautiful city! Isla's god mother lies there and we can't wait to take her. I'm so nervous about traveling with her. I may pm you for advice :) I can't wait to see pictures! Ps I missed your blog this weekend!!!