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Monday, September 20, 2010

Cardio, Kiddos, and Care Packages

Let me just say, it feels waaayyy later than 9:30 right now. Today has been quite a day and boy am I pooped!I'm sitting down for the first time since, oh, 2:00 but it feels good because I have accomplished so much!

My day started at 6:00 am with Ellie's new and not-so-improved wake up time. We're struggling with this a little bit, but I've decided that I just need to bite the bullet, go to bed earlier, and get up bright and early with my little love bug :) I was able to trudge through the morning and make it to nap time, when I did one HOUR of cardio!!! I was amazed with myself, and I felt great afterward. After that, it was off to Melissa's for a baby party. We always have so much fun when we get the babies together, and today was no different. We ventured out with our kiddos (3 total) and did a little shopping. I tell you, Melissa is quite the mom for those of you who don't know her! She makes being the mother of three look easy! I look up to her in so many ways, so I'm glad we got to hang out today.

Elliott took a short little nap on the way home and then refused to sleep at all the rest of the day! So we had lotS of one on one time until daddy came home. With a second pair of hands to help, I spent the rest of the evening buzzing around completing all the tasks I had set out to do today. I made dinner (homemade Alfredo sauce, anyone??? Yeah I was proud of that, too :) and it was actually very easy. I will be making that again). I folded and put away 3 loads of laundry. I made some baby food for Ellie and put it in the freezer. I paid some bills. I did the dishes. I made cookies for a care package to send to a soldier in Afghanistan. I did the dishes again. Phew, I'm tired just writing about it all!

baking the cookies for the care package really brought back some memories. I spent many, many hours baking cookies for Scott when he was deployed. Making care packages was like a hobby for me. It made me feel closer to Scott. Now his good friend Jesse is deployed, and Scott has taken it upon himself to send him packages. I think it's very sweet, and I was more than happy to make some cookies to send along with the other goodies that Scott picked out.

All in all it was a great day. I am sure that I will sleep good tonight :) and I pray that God will give me the strength to wake up at 6:00 tomorrow!


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