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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You Know You're a Mom When.....

I feel so bad. Elliott has been struggling with something for the last few days, but I just didn't know what it was. Teething? Growth spurt? Getting sick? The poor little thing was sooo tired, a little clingy, and just not herself. I was really hoping it was just teething, but unfortunately last night brought on a couple other terrible symptoms.

We were visiting with some friends at Christie's house, and I noticed throughout the evening that Ellie had a little diarrhea (sorry it that's TMI, but it's life!). I laid her down in Ms. Christie's spare room and she quickly fell asleep. Us girls had a nice evening of chit-chatting and knitting (so fun, and my friends so patiently taught me the basics). We were all getting ready to leave, so I picked Elliott up out of the pack 'n play and.......PUKE!! Everywhere!!! Elliott vomited 3 or 4 times, and I just stood there holding her! I'm so thankful for super-mom friend Christie who not only had pukey carpet to clean, but also knew just what to do next. I stood there in shock for a few minutes (covered in puke, mind you), while Christie whisked us to the bathroom, and followed up with towels and clean clothes for myself and for Elliott. We got all cleaned up and our friends stuck around to make sure everyone was ok. **I'm so glad that I have friends like this** Elliott slept the whole way home and had a good night's rest, and seems to feel a little better this morning.

I, however, keep thinking about the puke! For one, I absolutely hate hate hate puking. It's one of my biggest fears in life, seriuosly. So to think about my little baby puking, I just want to cry! And two, Elliott has never been sick before. I sit here and feel like a typical, paranoid, first-time mom wondering whether I should call the doctor?! I'm trying to put all the silly and over-reactive thoughts out of my head and be the level-headed, go-wth-your-gut type of person I usually am. Elliott woke this morning and snuggled with me and I thought to myself, you know you're a mom when you're picking vomit-snot out of your daughter's nose (and it doesn't even make you gag). Here's a shot of my pretty little after her rough night (thanks to Jonas for letting us borrow your old PJ's!):

And proof that the little bug is feeling better, here's a pic of her STANDING! Ok, so I cheated. She's holding onto the couch AND I put here there, but still, she seemed to enjoy it! Perhaps she'll walk before she crawls :)


1 comment:

christie said...

poor little are also super mommy! it just takes time to deal with puke. i am glad to see she's okay. give her kisses from us.

and knitting was way fun! i can't wait to see the baby scarf choker finished :)