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Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Weekend

Here's a little recap of our fun Easter weekend:

1. Easter egg hunt at a local church Satruday morning. We brought along Oma and cousins Zander and Zoe. The kids got to decorate (and eat) a cookie, jump in bounce houses (if they were brave enough), and collect lots of plastic eggs filled with candy. There were other awesome activities (like pony rides and face painting), but we just didn't have time for all of it! As it was, the kids were wore out, and I was actually worried about us all getting sunburnt! So we headed home in search of a nap to recharge our batteries a little!

2. Family time dying Easter eggs!
We spent Saturday with Elliott's auntie Katie, and when she went home we spent time as a family coloring some hard-boiled eggs. Scott and I fumbled around since it's been quite a while since either of us had dyed eggs. We eventually figured it out, and had fun coloring them and taking turns with the camera.

3. Easter Sunday we got dressed up and headed to the early service at a new church we've been trying out. I had Scott snap a quick picture of Ellie and I (in terrible lighting, I might add), and then I caught this sweet little moment when Scott was helping Ellie put her shoes on. Adorbale!!

And I couldn't resist sharing these again.......Ellie was just too cute in her Easter dress!

4. Finally, we headed to my brother's house to celebrate Easter with our family. We munched on baked potatoes with all the fixins and sweet strawberry angelfood cake. After Elliott sat in her Oma's lunch, we did a quick outfit change and off the kids went to hunt some more Easter eggs. It was rainy and dreary (of course), but that didn't stop these little ones! I think there were about 60 eggs hidden for just 2 and a half little ones!

It was the perfect Holiday weekend....Family time, church, fun traditional activities.

Lastly, I want to share this photo once again, as I'm entering it in the Paper Mama's Photo Challenge: Multicolored!
The Paper Mama

That was our lovely if only spring could find it's way back to us! That would be great!!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

AW! I love the pictures of you guys coloring eggs. :) I also love her Easter dress- so pretty!! Glad you had a great Easter.