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Sunday, May 22, 2011

16 Months Big

Today Elliott is 16 months old!
I'm going to keep this short and sweet, just like her :)

I don't actually know if she's short.....we don't get a 15 month well-child check, so I don't have any official stats as of late. I should whip out the tape measure, but I haven't yet. I have weighed her recently, though....still holding steady at 19.something pounds! Little peanut, she is!
Scott is anxious to have her forward facing in the car, but I'm really in no hurry. Even once she hits that 20 pound mark, I'm pretty sure she'll face backwards for quite a while.

Ellie is talking a lot lately....using both real words and jibberish. She'll talk you're ear off for a good five minutes, intonation and inflection and all that, and you won't understand a word she's saying! It's too cute! She has also started "singing" which is pretty cute, as well! It goes great with her mad dancing skills.

We are working on getting this kid to eat more. Or, at least eat more at each sitting, and less grazing. It's totally my fault. Because she's so small, I thought it was best to let her snack a lot. Turns out, it's more effective for her to eat three solid meals (in the highchair!!) and one or two snacks each day......when we can get that to happen, my life will be a whole lot simpler :)

Other than the food thing, Elliott has got to be one of the easiest toddlers to work with. She's smart, and adjusts well to change. She is always looking to make us laugh, loves attention, and plays hard! I love to see my sweet pig-tailed girl climb and wrestle and throw a ball.

Elliott Erin, you make your momma proud every single day! You are bright, funny, and a pure joy! You're my best friend, and my little sidekick! I feel funny when you're not with me, and there's nothing I love more than watching you grow and learn. I love you forever and ever and always!

We are headed out on vacation tomorrow!!! Stay tuned for some guest posts this week....and I might pop in from time to time :)
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Unknown said...

Elliot looks so cute in her stripped shirt! I love it. We are also extended rear facing (Hannah weighs about 22 pounds now).

Have fun on vacation!

Ashley said...

I love the pictures!!! She is so adorable! Where are you guys going on vacation? Have fun!

Diana Smith said...

Elliot is so precious!! I love her outfit!

Kiara Buechler said...

Elliott and Dane sound like two peas in a pod. I am all for the ERFing too, I like to joke that he'll still be RFing when he's ten. Have fun on vacation!

Unknown said...

I love all the pictures........Elliott is such doll! Isla is still RF too.......Altough she is so tall (98percentile) I think we may flip her at 18-20 months.
I love all their cute little words even if we can't understand them all......such girls always talking ;)

Christa Cox said...

i die every time i see pics of her! she is the most adorable petite little thing!

Melissa @ knit purl baby said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving some comment love! Your little girl is so cute! My little guy is small too, he weighed in at just over 17 pounds at 10 months. We also plan on rear facing him for as long as possible, especially after reading all that newly released info about car seats.

Amy Nielson said...

what a cute little gymnast! parker is 13 months & 23 pounds but we will keep him rear-facing until at LEAST 18 months. sam is anxious for him to be forward facing too... he thinks his feet are all cramped against the backs of the seat, which maybe they are. but that's better than a head or neck injury in case of an accident right?

happy 16 months ellie!! and have so much fun on your vacay!

Bees_Circus said...

What a cute little nugget! My little one was 21 pounds at his 11 month check, boys must just be bigger huh? :)
Hope you have a wonderful vacation!

Anonymous said...

She looks serious pretty baby girl.Happy 16 months!
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