Today I am 27 years old.
I'm not really sure what I had hoped to accomplish by my 27th birthday.
But a husband, a house, two cars, and one baby later, I think I'm proud of this little life of mine.
I also have my bachelor's degree, a job that I enjoy (which has nothing to do with my degree.....), fun friends, and an amazing family.
I really couldn't ask for more, you know?!
Obviously, this little lady is my pride and joy........even if I had accomplished nothing else in the past 27 years, I would be content to just have her to raise.
Seriously, being a mom is the best thing. Ever.
This month is sort of bittersweet for me. If you know me, you know that I have wanted to be a speech-language pathologist for quite some time. Well, if my life had taken a slightly different path, I would be graduating this month with my Master's Degree.....and I would be an SLP.
I'm not really sure how I should feel about this pseudo-failure.
I mean, it's a failure in the sense that I never even tried. The second that I found out I was pregnant, I knew that my dreams for continuing my education would be moving to the back burner. Getting my husband through college, raising a baby, buying a house.....those things all took first priority.
So, it's not really a failure then, is it?
My hopes and dreams for my 27th year include:
My husband finishing college! Woohoo!~Potty-training a certain little someone~Spending lots of time crafting and hopefully selling those crafts~Enjoying each moment~Creating fun memories by continuing traditions with my family~Helping others by being a friend, giving when I can, and thinking less about myself and more of others~Expanding our family (at least get a start on it....).
While 27 is kind of a hard pill to swallow (I'm definitely not in my "early twenties" anymore.....sigh), it's pretty much the same as any other day.
You're only as old as you feel, right?!
Well, most days I still feel like I'm 18 so I guess I'm doin' all right ;)

Happy birthday Amanda! You've accomplished a lot and Ellie will thank you one day for the sacrifices you've made. You guys are so sweet!
Happy birthday!!!! I think you have accomplished AMAZING things within your 27 years on earth :) You are an AMAZING mama, and amazingly SUPPORTIVE wife! School will always be there. That's where I'm going with it at least. I get sad that I didn't get my bachelors degree before I had Hayden, but she is my pride and joy and I wouldn't change it for the world. I can always go back to school when the kids go (if I don't home school haha!) Anyways, Happy birthday and enjoy YOUR day of being 27! BTW I think you look 18 ;) and your early 20s are SO overrated ;)
Happy birthday, Amanda! I think you've created a beautiful and full life for yourself in the short 27 years! :) And seriously, I just about died while looking at these pictures. I don't think I've seen anything cuter. The two of you look like you're having SO much fun. Elliott has so much personality already! Which doesn't surprise me, since these photos prove that she AND her mommy are both a couple of cute silly little monkeys!
Happy Birthday! I think you've accomplished quite a lot in your 27 years! Elliott was so cooperative in that series of photos, so funny how she makes the same face as you. I am edging up on 29 myself, so I have no sympathy for you not being in your early 20's anymore ;-) And yay for more babies! Go for it!
HEY!! I feel so rude, I didn't even know it was your birthday! I hope the rest of your day is just splendid :)
you guys are so adorable! happy happy birthday to you!!
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