I feel like I've been in a blogging funk lately, so I apologize.
Life is just kind of rolling along right now......and that's okay with me!
I just kind of want to go with the flow for a while, because I'm sure that lots of change is on the horizon!
Let's just enjoy these quiet moments while we can, huh?
Here it is....our week in iPhone pics. Enjoy :)
And link up with Amy at A Good Life. Because everyone loves a good cell phone pic post!
Here's what was going on at our house last week:
*A little start on potty-training......more of that next week!
*Something is seriously wrong with our On Demand.....
*A little crafting!
*A lot of Kissy-face!!
*Some major closet-reorganization and a fabulous new lunch box!
*She seriously loves this stroller
*Trying a pop-tart for the first time (she didn't like it at all....) and a new horse-friend, Douglas.
We had a pretty good week.....now hopefully summer will start for reals this week! Woohoo!
Happy 4th of July to you! Stay safe and have fun!

that is a lunchbox?? it's adorable!! where is it from? and that is hilarious about your on-demand. wtf?
also? i'm totally in a blogging funk. i'm intrigued about your "changes on the horizon" ;)
omg the on demand... im literally laughing out loud. bbahahahaha
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