I think I jinxed us.
I got all excited because we had a couple of summery-ish days, and now?! Rain.
Lots and lots of rain!
It's pretty depressing, but I've got a jam-packed weekend full of fun stuff to cheer me up!
Here's a look back at our week, in cell phone pics.....
Ellie was sick all week :( She started out with just a fever and runny nose, so I chalked it up to teething. But, it's definitely a cold/cough thing. Poor babe! We went to the dr. just in case (her cough was sounding pretty nasty), but she is going to be just fine!
Despite having the sickies, we trucked on with our potty-training (I promise I will write about this in detail......I just want to make sure we master it first!) and this included lots of fluids and fun new toys!
These two kept my week pretty entertaining! Elliott makes the funniest faces when she's drinking, and.....she was shoveling rice into her mouth by the handful one day. This never happens!! She really loves her some rice. Also, she fell asleep in the car with her hand still in her bag of Veggie Crisps she had been snacking on!
Scott's kickball team won in their division last season, and with the first game this season they received some pretty cool sweatbands (well, as cool as sweatbands can be I guess). He was pretty excited!
And finally, a couple random shots from this week. One day at work, I brought in a tutu to show a few ladies how I make them. Next thing I knew, we were off to JoAnn's to load up on tons (almost literally) of tulle!! During our lunch, we shopped the craft store, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one spending part of my weekend crafting :) Also, like I mentioned before, summer around here has been rained out. Very literally. I hate summer rain. The warmth mixed with precipitation = humidity and I hate it! It does, however, create beautiful rainbows from time to time.
Next week I'm going to have fun posts about potty-training (if we're successful), Tutus (if I ever finish them), and The Warrior Dash (if I make it out alive!!). Fun fun stuff!
Now, get out those cell phone pics, and head over to A Good Life to grab the linky code.....it's fun, and all the cool kids are doing it ;)

Poor Ellie! I hope she's feeling better now. I let Hannah drink from my straw sometimes, too :) She likes it a bit too much and fusses when I take a sip.
can't believe you're doing the warrior dash! you are amazing!
i am so over this weather. boooo.
I can't wait to hear about potty-training. Now that I am back home, that is what I will be working on as well! I will be blogging about it also...maybe we can help each other out! lol
I'm looking forward to your potty training post, any helpful hints you have would be great! Looks like a pretty fun week, other than Ellie having a cold of course.
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh {totally agree on the weather} but more importantly... i am doing the warrior dash too {in Portland}
oh.. and i posted a ton about potty training. check it out ;)
I am a new follower from Insta Friday. I am at jandlbrooks.blogpot.com
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