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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Guest Blogger: Twirl

Hi Pretty Little readers!
I'm Laura from Twirl.
I chat over there about my life as a law student's wife, a mom to miss Veda Jane, and a photographer.

 I am excited to be joining you guys over here while Amanda soaks up the sun in Florida!
And Slightly jealous.
But I will power through being green with envy with a little tutorial that I hope proves useful to some of you.

If anyone else is still in the diaper phase with me then you may have already discovered your love for lap pads.

found here:

I know.
What a mom thing to love, right?
I didn't even know why I was registering for them when I did,
but my oh my, those things have come in handy over and over again.
They relieve the terror of using public changing tables,
and respectfully protect the furniture at a friend's house when you have to change your baby on the go.

After using mine a few times as a changing pad while we were out and about, I realized I needed to be able to distinguish the top from the bottom to keep those germy surfaces away from my baby.
Plus, Veda Jane kept begging me to make them pretty.
What can I say, I'm a sucker for that little face!

So if you're in my boat and you need a solution like this,
here is an easy tutorial to help you make one!

You will need:
  Lap pads
Fabric of your choice
Straight pins
Sewing machine

Cut your fabric out to size, leaving approximately 1 to 2 inches along each edge

Fold the edges of your fabric under, patterned size up, and iron a crease

Pin along the edges to keep your fabric in place while you sew

Run a straight stitch along the edge of the entire pad.


I keep one in my diaper bag at all times, and made several so we have extras when we go out of town.

I'd love to hear if there are any other tips for spicing up an ordinary item!

Thanks Laura for this awesome tutorial! Guys, you have to visit Twirl to see Laura's many beautiful photographs, heart-warming stories, crafty tutorials like this one, and of course to see more of cute little Veda Jane!

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