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Monday, April 16, 2012

I Think We've Got This.....

First of all, thank you all for your wonderful comments when I announced Baby #2. The reality that I am pregnant and this little family is growing is slowly sinking in. We are so excited, and I'm certain that you're going to hear a whole lot of pregnancy and baby talk around here. Today though, let's talk about the toddler.

This whole potty training thing? I think it's safe to say that we've got it. Like, she's really, truly potty-trained!! When I started trying to potty-train Ellie at 15 months old, I knew that she wouldn't be finished in 3 days like some older kids could be. I knew we were in for a long road. And a long road is what we traveled! A year-ish later and I am confident that Ellie is potty-trained (day and naptime and nights). I really don't think that's too bad, either! It was a lot of work, patience, pull-ups, and extra laundry, but it was so worth it. 

Elliott's potty chart. She got a sticker each morning that she woke up dry. She had actually been dry each morning for about 2 weeks before we started the chart, and she finished it a few weeks ago ;) I only made the chart so that we could have a visual and so that I could buy her a Barbie when it was full!

Elliott has always seemed so independent, and I know that she's proud of this latest accomplishment. We had one morning where she had woken up while I was in the shower......I have no idea how long she had been awake for, but when I got out of the shower she was screaming and crying at her door. The poor girl had wet her pants, and seeing how upset she was made me SO sad! She was upset that she had peed her pants, but I was upset because it was my fault! She had tried to ask for help, but I didn't hear her. Thankfully, she doesn't seem to remember this incident, so maybe it was only traumatic for me? Besides that, we've only had one night-time accident in the last month or so. 

I seriously can't believe how well she had done with this! I still always pack extra clothes and underwear when we go out, but I've never needed them. I waited for a while to post about this because, well, I didn't want to "jinx" us. But, that's just crazy talk. Elliott is sure to have accidents, and I've heard many kids revert back to their old ways for a week or two at a time, so I'm prepared for that. But for now, I'm just enjoying not having to change diapers, and spoiling my little girl with "potty treats" from time to time ;)




Smart idea! :) from!

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

Yay Ellie!!! That's so awesome!

Kiara Buechler said...

Good work Ellie (and mama). Very cool.

Olivia Grace said...

Congrats to both you and your sweet little girl! Potty training is no joke! And congrats on the new baby, what a blessing!

Ashley said...

Congrats on a new baby!!! My husband and I debating if we are ready for baby #3. LoL

I need to get some potty training advice from you. Will you please e-mail me with how you started and what worked?