Um, so here's the deal.
I've been taking a lot of cell phone pics, but I'm honestly too busy to organize them into neat little piles. They're all just jumbled together and I'm way too tired to even care. Is that bad?!
I'm beginning to live by the phrase "I can sleep when I'm dead", and while that sounds miserable, I'm kind of enjoying myself!
I'm exploring new hobbies, making a little tiny bit of money selling items on Etsy that I love creating, and I'm trying to cram in as much time with my little family as I can!
So, I guess sleep and all that jazz can take a backseat to the exciting stuff that's happening right now!
And, my memories will still be captured by iphone pics, even if they are one big jumbled mess!
Here we go:
1. One of our rare "summery" days around here. Cutest kid in a two-piece I've ever seen!
2. Nummy berry and fruit cobbler for my co-workers. They're so lucky :)
3. A real, certified pony-tail. Sheesh!
4. Another sunny day?! Cousins playing melts my heart!
5. Interesting choice of seat, Elliott!
6. Where is Ellie?
7. I got feathers in my hair! Can you see them?
8. Cutey on a 4-wheel. And a serious obsession with balloons!
9. Ellie and Rosco jamming out to some Justin Beiber. Have you seen the movie? It's seriously good!
Did you take your week in iphone pics?! Head on over to A Good Life and link up! It's fun!!
I've given up organizing my weekly photos, too. It's easier, especially since I don't always take a picture everyday.
Also: your hair is so pretty, Elliot's ponytail is the cutest thing ever, and I like Justin Beiber, too, so I'm super excited to find someone else who admits it! :)
I LOVE the ponytail. I do not think Adelynn's hair is quite long enough for a ponytail like that.
I am sure that you have more important things to do in your life than worrying about organizing your pics! lol
Ah! you're so good at iPhone-ography :D That last one of them watching Justin Beiber is SO adorable!
OOh, cute feathers! We rented the Justin Bieber movie last week and I LOVED IT too! It actually kept Michael's attention, too. Such a great story and now I am in love with him (in a pinch his cheeks kinda way - of course).
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